I needed a place, today, where I could meditate & pray & find the "still small voice." 1 Kings 19:12 Interesting, how I knew nothing of this park or of all the sweet little paths that lead away, from the main trail, to some beautiful private vistas. But, God knew that I would be tickled to find this spot. He knows that, at the core of me, I love nature, especially, rocks, water & streams, with their stability & gentle peace. Streams are so nurturing as they flow over rocks & plants. Water, so gentle, but, also, such a force.
Surrounded by this seeming wasteland of water, it strikes me, the irony of two nations, both of which I love and call my home, for part of the year. In having just returned from southern California, where there is no water, where there is such a need for water...a fight for water... And today, by sheer accident, I stumble across water in excess. Water in streams without end, ponds filled with water, water above me, (I can hear it) rushing down from the surrounding mountain peaks. The little streams are forging & finding their way down to their mighty maternal flow. It seems more than enough water to share, but mother nature chooses, with abandon, on whom her grace will fall.
"Today is going to be great!" This is the cover page of the journal I picked up today, so I could follow the nudging, I had, to go and find "my place, my quiet place." My day did not start out great, but rather, with tears in the parking lot of our family vet. Shaquille, our much-loved dog, needed surgery & it's very hard to leave my loyal friend in such an austere & unfamiliar environment, alone. I have been working on not humanizing animals, but with Shaq, it is very "heart hard."
None the less, if I had not had today's agenda, where I am alone, I would not be sitting, quietly, by this stream, having fresh ideas & a clean mind-set. I believe this is a God-engineered moment. Darrell is out of town, therefore, I had to deal with the vet alone. Otherwise, he would have worried over me, today, knowing I would be finding the situation, with Shaq, tough. We would have done something together. Both of the friends I tried to line up hiking with, were otherwise, detained. Out of hardship, often comes a moment of wonder...
Earlier today, as I meandered around in search of where I was supposed to be, I came across this lovely little church. It was definitely a peaceful & quiet place, with shaded spots to sit & be still. But, as strange as this will sound, I knew it wasn't my destination, so I carried on...
And by complete fluke, or a divine compass, the desire of my heart...this...
Next time, I will come a little more equipped to stay awhile...but, for now, one last deep breath...ahhhhh!
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