Monday, 26 August 2013

Pesto Processor Predicament

Well, what's for dinner tonight...Pappardelle With Kale Pesto...once again with recipe cred to Rachael Ray.  The weather in the beautiful Okanagan Valley was a little soggy today, so I definitely felt as if my mood and the chill air could hold up to a pasta night.

Pappardelle With Kale Pesto

I had bought a gorgeous bundle of kale at the Kelowna Farmer's Market on Saturday & was very excited to try this recipe.  Everything was shaping up beautifully.  I had made a quick stop on my way home, from a most relaxing pedicure, at Valoroso.  For those of you who are unfamiliar, Valoroso is an Italian market & deli located in Kelowna & West Kelowna, BC.  They have a plethora of sumptuous olive oils, pastas, cheeses, meats, canned delicacies and any number of other Italian foodie fantasies!!  Specifically, today, I was after pappardelle noodles, pecorino cheese & a new olive oil brimming with flavour - nothing for the faint of heart.  I was, indeed-in-need of an oil delicious enough to stand in with few other ingredients, as a pasta sauce, and Valoroso did not disappoint.  This is the little beauty:

The problem, if there was one, with this simple supper was with the support staff.  Every good cook knows that there are a few staple kitchen helpers albeit human or mechanical.  One of my real workhorses is my food processor and tonight, as I made the pesto, the processor processed its last.  The end was not glamorous, no grinding of gears, no smoke, no loud commotion - just a full stop.  My husband endeavoured to intervene, & as is his way, gave it a thud on the counter & turned it over with a bang a couple of times.  When we put it back together, it took off once with force, but only of its own accord - we had not turned the "on" or "pulse" switch at all.  That was the last big hurrah, I'm afraid, and my pesto sauce came to its completion in the blender for tonight (a poor second to the food processor, for this job, I'm afraid)  All is not lost.  Supper was still delicious and now I am in the market for a new food processor...woot, woot!! Small appliance shopping would not light up the eyes of every girl, but is a highlight for me!

I followed this recipe as printed in the link.  I do wonder, however, how much 1 bunch Tuscan kale, trimmed and chopped really is.  We used 1/2 of the bunch I bought & made the other half into kale chips that we devoured as we fought with the food processor.

Kale Chips:  4-6 C chopped kale (with all stems & veins trimmed - u really can't eat them!)
                         2 tbsp. olive oil
                         season with salt & pepper

Put parchment on a cookie sheet.  Toss the kale with oil & seasonings.  Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 10-12 mins.  Watch carefully, as you want the kale to crisp up but it turns dark & overcooks very easily.  When you get it right - it's delicious!!  Especially with a crisp pour of Okanagan white on the side :)

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