Sunday, 15 November 2015

An Open Christmas Letter To My Family/Friends & The World For That Matter...

Tonight, I was out walking Shaq, the white-haired dog, a perfunctory task at best. That is, until I realized, as I prayed my way long, for Paris, that this simple act is profound. To be a dog owner in Kelowna, or North America, for that matter is normal. So normal, in fact, that we take completely for granted that dogs, as a whole, the world over, are not the domesticated pets we so dearly love. They are not fed a diet of exacting proportions, do not sleep on the foot of the bed in a temperature-controlled room, or have a human being caring deeply for them. Before you get too worried that this years Christmas letter is going to be the petition of an animal activist, fear not!! Because this, sadly, would describe thousands & thousands of human beings, at this very moment...

So, tonight, to be out alone, walking my dog, in the dark, is huge!! I know my thoughts & prayer pathways are significantly fixated on the terrorist attack in Paris only 2 nights ago. However, I just can't bring myself to sit down & pen a letter that is only about the joy & accomplishment, of our family, this year. When I reflect on the year gone by, of course all the wonderful, engaging, exciting, fun-filled moments overflow my heart. And without similarity, but with the same consistency, come the the remembrances of babies washing up on foreign shores, terrorist attacks less publicized but prolific, be-headings of innocent people & acts of terror so grotesque that our modern world shudders, human beings displaced in numbers so magnificent that world leaders are reeling for answers, plane crashes, sinking ships, wild fires...and on & on goes the list of lives lost or void of hope!

I am not a political person. I'm not proud to say my understanding of Canada's political system is shallow at best. I certainly pray that those in political office, in these days, are men & women of the highest intelligence, and strongest morals, judgement & character. They are leading in trying times. The pastor at church this morning ended the service with these words. He said, “Remember that greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world...” Though I believe those words to be true, with every fibre of my being, they are hard to grasp, in these days. I think even the least devout among us wonders about some form of religiosity right now. I am a Christian. With Christmas fast approaching, this year more than ever before, I am holding onto the truth & hope that the story of baby Jesus holds. I am firmly grabbing onto the leg of that donkey in the stable & not onto Rudolph's rein from Santa's sleigh. That baby born in Bethlehem, Christ incarnate, is something. He is hope. Hope for a world that sure could use some.

It's easy to sit back in our armchairs, turn off the news, & tune into Netflix. Post statuses about how we are not going to let this terrorism change our lives or our homelands. About how letting refugees into our countries will be like letting ISIS in. But if I, for one minute, try to imagine myself & our family tonight in Paris or Syria, I know I could not be so trite. I would be scared, horrified or paralyzed by sadness.

So for this year, our family will hold silent our triumphs & joy and take these few words to reflect on the lives of others instead. This is unprecedented for me, & goes without saying, to all of you that have shared life with us, in some form, in 2015, you are deeply appreciated & loved...

May the true joy & hope that is Christmas flood our hearts & homes...

We remain the healthy, happy, beyond-blessed Liski Family. Our love to you all!!